Find out what's going on within the Boone community.

Boone Parent Email Group
This email list is to be used by parents of kids zoned to Boone Elementary for the purpose of exchanging information useful to life in our neighborhood. This is a private group independent of the school/PTO. All posts/opinions are those of the individual.
Any announcements about opportunities can be sent out to this Email Group.
You can request to join via the link below or email Ashley Boone at
Community Board
Any announcements about opportunities can be sent to

GEMS 2024-2025
Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior
Who: All girls grades 1-4 @ Boone Elementary
What: Gems is a mom-led, multi-denominational Bible Study which strives to teach the good news of Jesus and the love of God for everyone.
When: Grades meet separately once a month before school, Sept – May, donuts included!
Where: Northway Christian Church
Why: To foster spiritual growth and friendship
Cost: Free!!!*
For questions or to sign your daughter up please email the group contacts directly:
1st Grade: Ale Hage,
2nd Grade: Lauren Turnbull,
3rd Grade: Hillary Murff,
4th Grade: Ashley Boone,

Contact Jed Melson for more info
PCDLA Parent Support Group Meeting
Topic: The sibling relationships
The meeting will be co-facilitated by counselors from Sparrow House, and we will kick start the meeting discussing our kids’ sibling relationship: the challenges, joys and hopefully offer plenty of tips and advice.
The Parent Support Group exists to provide support and encouragement to parents who live in HPISD and have children in special education or 504. We offer a safe and confidential environment for you to process feelings and concerns with other parents who share similar challenges. We meet once a month to discuss a variety of topics in a loose structure. This is not an educational group. We are an open group so feel free to come late or leave early.