5th Annual Book it for Boone
September 13th - 22nd

We are excited to be celebrating our FIFTH year of Book it for Boone! This beloved fundraiser has two objectives -- to foster a love of reading and to raise critical funds to support Boone! Our theme this year is Up, Up, and Away, READ EVERY DAY! We want our students to soar in reading!
To make Readathon even more fun, mark your calendars for
Book Character Dress Up Day on Friday, September 13th!
And visit the Boone Book Fair September 17th - 20th
During Book it for Boone, each student has two goals:
Raise $200
Read 15 minutes each day
We make it easy with our simple online platform, Pledgestar, where you can track your child's donations AND reading minutes.
Register your Student
Go to the Pledgestar website. Every student who registers will earn a prize!
Ask for Donations
Log in to Pledgestar to enter family and friends' names and email addresses.
Pledgestar will send donation requests to each email you submit.
Donations are tax deductible, and all funds go directly to Boone.
All donations are due by Sunday, September 22nd at 8 pm.
Each student's goal is to read 150 minutes at home.
Read at Home
Each student should read 150 minutes at home. That's 15 minutes per day!
Read more than 150 minutes to be honored as a VIP Reader (see below).
Reading minutes for our youngest Bulldogs may include listening to a parent or sibling read, reading a picture book, or listening to an audio book.
Track your Reading
Each student should keep track of the minutes they read AT HOME. Parents should record their student's reading minutes online at Pledgestar.
Minutes must be recorded online by Sunday, September 22nd at 8 pm.
VIP Readers
To be a VIP Reader, students must log the following minutes online:
Preschool: 190 minutes of at home reading
Kindergarten: 200 minutes of at home reading
1st Grade: 230 minutes of at home reading
2nd Grade: 270 minutes of at home reading
3rd Grade: 300 minutes of at home reading
4th Grade: 330 minutes of at home reading
To be considered for VIP Reader status minutes recorded
online by Sunday, September 22nd at 8 pm

Top Readers/ Top Earner Prizes
The top reader for the entire school will receive a Kindle
The top earner for the entire school will receive a Kindle
The TOP FIVE students from each grade who read the most minutes will receive a private shopping experience at the Spirit Shop, including Boone bucks.
Top Class Reading/Earning Prizes
The class that reads the most minutes in the entire school AND
The class that raises the most money in the entire school each will receive a Mimi's Pizza Party

Thank You Sponsors

Please contact our Book it for Boone Co-Chairs with questions
Joanna Dreyfuss, Claire Jones & Anne Frotten